Learn how to identify and treat Fordyce spots on the penis. Everything you need to know about these small yet embarrassing bumps in this intimate area.

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White bumps on face may be caused by sun exposure, milia spots or whiteheads. For some people, small raised white spots on face appear after shaving. The little bumps

What are the little white bumps under my eyes? White bumps under eyes can get you worried. The bumps are however, more often than not, benign and not a cause for concern.

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White dots on lips are also referred to as small white spots, patches, bumps or blotches. The little bumps appear on the lower lip, upper lip or even corners of lips.

What are these white spots or dots on my lips? What causes them? How can they be cured or treated? Learn more on white spots or dots on lips including causes such as

The personal experience of penis size. At just under six inches, my penis is more or less average. But even so I’d admit to a sense of insecurity around my penis – it

Many different conditions can produce new white patches of skin in ren. This article highlights two of the most common causes of white patches of skin.

It is common for you to panic and scare when you notice any black spots on penis. But the good thing is that most of the lesions are harmless.

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When spots, lumps, or rashes appear on the penis, men often fear they have a sexually transmitted disease. Learn about potential causes.

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Jun 10, 2010 · I am a 24 yr old male and had unprotected sex for the first time some weeks ago and about 1 week after that, I noticed many tiny red bumps all over my penis head.

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