Group B streptococcus — Overview covers definition, symptoms, treatment of this common bacterium.

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Strep Throat Definition Streptococcal sore throat, or strep throat as it is more commonly called, is an infection of the mucous membranes lining the pharynx

Streptococcus pyogenes is a species of Gram-positive bacteria. These bacteria are aerotolerant and an extracellular bacterium, made up of non-motile and non-sporing

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What causes group B strep infection? How is group B strep transmitted?

Group B streptococcus (strep) is a common bacterium often carried in your intestines or lower genital tract. Group B strep is usually harmless in adults. In newborns

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Learn the symptoms, signs, diagnosis, causes, and treatment of group B strep, a bacteria (Streptococcus agalactiae) that can cause infection in pregnant women and

UpToDate, electronic clinical resource tool for physicians and patients that provides information on Adult Primary Care and Internal Medicine, Allergy and Immunology

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What Are the Symptoms and Signs of Group B Strep Infection? When Should I Call the Doctor About Group B Strep?

A group A streptococcal infection is an infection with group A streptococcus (GAS). Streptococcus pyogenes comprises the vast majority of the Lancefield group A

Sep 17, 2011 · Group A Streptococci. Group A streptococci infections cause many different kinds of infections. These bacteria are responsible for causing strep throat

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